OpenHTPC News
May 4th, 2004
Version Beta 2 Released
Change Log:
The goal of the design is trying to make your life easier, by
making it simpler, which is, improving users' experiences. I always believe in
my own approach.
Note the ToDo list has been changed a little bit to reflect my priority. Any
feedback is welcome.
April 26th, 2004
Silent update to Version Beta 1 Release 0420
Change Log:
Added keyboard map support in Configuration Tool
Some user complained about broken link in SourgeForge download,
now a download page with working link is updated in download page
April 17th, 2004
Version Beta 1. released.
Change Log:
PlayList now supported
Windows Installer now supported
Aspect ratio correction. Should work with plasma TVs with strange
Improved removable media auto-detection
Fixed SecurityException bug when searching contents
GUI, improved look and feel, more icons added
GUI, modified music play page alittle bit
March 15th, 2004
Version Pre-Alpha released
ToDo List (Sorted by priority, as of May 4th, 2004)
Redesigning the theme engine
Screen Savers to protect plasma from burning-in
DVD Player
TV and PVR support